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Writer's pictureNurse Lauren

Nurse Lauren's story on breaking into the field and becoming a Nurse Injector (2019)

Updated: Jun 9, 2021

I was about 3 years into my nursing career, working at Barnes Jewish Hospital in St Louis, MO, when the idea kept crossing my mind. I was working night shift in the ICU and started looking up injection courses to attend. I spent over $2000 going to a course (just for fun at the time) and learning about cosmetic injections. I then fell in love with the field. I quickly found a collaborating physician to look over my business and then got in touch with the company Allergan to set up an account! After setting up the account I spent several of thousands of dollars on medications and supplies to start practicing injections. I was injecting friends and family for fun until word of mouth was getting around. I was then asked to come work at Wink iBoutique and Heritage Salon and spa. I was soon to realize this would be a serious job and business. I created a business license and purchased malpractice insurance for myself and my medical director. I worked one day a week doing injections while working full time as a RN in the hospital. I did this for almost 2 years. Last year I started NP school, cut down to part time in the hospital and in January 2019, started fully as my own business in the salon lofts. My hard work finally paid off! Since then I have opened more accounts with companies Galderma and merz and have been to many conferences and trainings with the drug companies. I am interested in continuing my career in aesthetics after my graduation in Dec 2020. The easier route and cheaper route for me, would have been to apply to all doctors offices and med spas for a position, but I am enjoying learning about business, running my own schedule, and being my own boss. Maybe one day I will have a store front or a fully operated Med Spa! Stay tuned! XOXO

***1 year later- July 13, 2020 I have opened a store front called Modern Med and have 5 employees! I graduated with my NP in Dec 2020 and passed boards! Keep reaching for your goals.

"My advice for anyone trying to get into the field is to get hospital experience. It does matter. I will not hire a nurse without it! Next, get certified and invest the time and money into education. Update your resume and apply everywhere!! Don’t expect it to be easy and don’t expect to make the big bucks without working extremely hard! Instagram really makes a nurse injector position look glamorous! I can tell you it is a 24/7 job and you have to work extremely hard to get patients to trust you with their face! It is an artistry and a science. If you have the drive and are willing to put in the hours and invest your time and money into certifications/education, you will eventually become a nurse injector!"

If you are interested in my intro zoom course, or one of my hands on sessions, please visit (under courses).

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